
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2023

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 10 11/24/23 Xoʼja Ismat Buxoriy Hi my dear friends 🤗Today I am a bit sad🥲because today was the last day of our destination.Two weeks are passed very quickly. So today we went to Xoja Ismat with our group members and teacher.Firstly teacher checked out attendance and he gave information about this monument. Khoja Fakhriddin Ismatillo bin Mas'ud Ismat Bukhari is one of the famous poets of the XU century. According to information, he was born in 1365 and died in 1436. He mainly wrote qasida, ghazal, masnavi and rubai. After the death of Amir Temur, he lived in Samarkand in the palace of Khalil Sultan (Temur's grandson, Mironshah's son. He ruled in Samarkand in 1405-1409). Later, when the struggle for the throne began again, the poet wandered. When Ulugbek became the ruler, he invited Ismat Bukhari to the palace service. But the poet does not accept the offer, preferring to be among dervishes. The poet's collection of eight thousand verses, a masnavi named "Ibra

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 9 11/23/23 Joʻbor madrasasi Hello everyone 👋 Today is our 9th internship.I am Marjona.Todayʼs practice was in Joʻbor madrasah.Letʼs start. Madrasas of Joybori Kalon (Madrasas of Joybor, Madrasas of Joybor, Madrasas of Khoja Joybori Kalon, Madrasas of Ayposhsha Ayim) - Madrasas of Bukhara. During the reign of the Uzbek ruler Abdulaziz Khan (1645-1681), it was built in Havzi nav guzar of Joybor district in the capital of the Khanate under the donation of his mother Podshah. It was one of the most prestigious and prestigious madrasahs in Bukhara. Historical sources provide a lot of information about the Joybori Kalon madrasa. The one-story madrasa has 29 rooms and a large library. Historical sources contain a lot of information about the Madrasa of Joybori Kalon [1]. Muhammad Sharif Makhdum informed that it was built by Princess Ayposhsha. It was one of the most prestigious and prestigious madrasas in Bukhara[1]. His library has more than 8,000 books [2]. During the time of the Uzbe

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 8 22.11.23 Sayyid Amir Kulol. Hello to everyone.👋I am Marjona and today we were in out eighth practice day.😊Todayʼs plan was going to Sayyid Amir Kulol.🥰 We got together at 10:30 oʻcklock.Then the teacher checked our attendance. Khwaja Sayyid Amir Kulol, a religious scholar of the Hanafi faith popularly known as Kalon ("High"), was a Sufi and religious teacher of Bahavuddin Naqshbandi. Sayyid Amir Kulol was born in 1281 in Sukhor (now Yangihayat village) of Kogon district. i) was born in the village, in the family of potters. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man. Sharp eyes peered out from under furrowed brows, and her skin was the color of sun-baked wheat. The edges of his face were covered with a gray beard, he behaved modestly and modestly. He did not object or be stubborn when he spoke. He had a mature, muscular appearance because he was engaged in wrestling in his youth. As for his religiosity, there was no one who doubted his truthfulness, because he was knowledg

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 7 21.11.23 Buxoro Amir saroyi. Hi my dears👋😊Today was our seventh practice day.Weather was cool.We started our practice at 10 oʻclock.We got tegether in this monument.Also teacher checked our attendance.After that all of us gave many information about todayʼs monument.  The palace was built by Russian and Bukhara masters on the order of Syed Abd-ad-Akhad in connection with the visit of the Russian emperor to Turkestan in the beginning of the 20th century. The building has a complex plan and structure, and at a glance you can see the order of equality in all aspects. The base of the palace is formed by the core of a large ceremonial room. The decoration of the building is of various styles, both externally and internally, where experts have emphasized modern, Moorish and even pseudo-Russian architectural elements, as well as local themes and even Arabic epigraphy. The palace was designed by Alexey Leontevich Benoit himself. Construction of the structure was completed in 1898 unde

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 6 20.11.23 Govkushon madrasah. First of all Assalomu alaykum👋.It is me again Marjona😊🤞Today was our third internship and we were in Govkushon madrasah.I am very happy for being this place.Weather was very good and sunny. First of all teacher checked our attendance and turn by turn all of us shared information and ideas related to this place. Gaukushan Medressa and its complex were a less crowded photogenic area. Turki Jandi Mausoleum was a crumbling structure that gave tourists what most of Bukhara would look like without the constant restoration work. Just off the central tourist attractions of the trade houses. A very interesting place. The pond/ tank is where they sacrified a cow to find water. Reminiscent of the Zarthusti fire worshipers or Aryans of India and Persia. While most history in Uzbekistan talk of Timur or later, the land is far older. Bukhara has lots of interesting places to visit and due to that the complex Gaukushan is often refused by the travelers. The site

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 5 11/17/2023 Art museum. Hello to everyone.👋I am Marjona and today we were in out fifth practice day.😊Todayʼs plan was going to Art museum.🥰 Firstly,we gathered in Labi-houz at 12 oʻcklock.Then we went to the museum together with our teacher. Bukhara State Architectural Art Museum-Preserve was founded in 1922. From 1945 on, Bukhara museum is located in Ark fortress. There are over 100,000 items of cultural, material and intellectual legacy of Uzbek people in the Bukhara museum funds. The exhibits include gold embroidery, copper chased items, ganch carving, samples of architectural decor, coins, household items, graphic works, painting, sculpture, old maps, books and other documents of historical value. Ark citadel hosts the head office of the Bukhara museum and its expositions of history, numismatics, epigraphy, nature and scripts of Bukhara. - Ornamental and applied arts of the Central Asian people as well as household items of Bukhara emirs may be seen in the museum branch lo

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 4 11/16/2023 Sayfiddin karvansarai First of all Assalomu alaykum🙃👋.Today was our 4th internship.Todayʼs weather was very sunny and hot.✨🥰We were in Sayfiddin karvansarai.We got together at 10:30. Firstly teacher cheched our attendance and we started giving information about this monument. Saifiddin Caravanserai is a monument of cultural heritage in the historical center of Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Coal objects of the material and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan are included in the national real estate property - state resources. Before the Bukhara revolution of 1920, he was engaged in tea wholesale. Currently, there is a craft center in the caravanserai building. Also today our teacher gave us many information and interesting facts about this monument.In addition he asked from us many questions related to todayʼs karvansarai. All in all todayʼs practice day was very informative for many students.We knew a lot about this place.🤗 Thank you for your attention.🤞😊 See you soon👋

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 3 11/15/2023 Bahouddin Naqshband. First of all Assalomu alaykum👋.It is me again Marjona😊🤞Today was our third internship and we were Bahouddin Naqshband.I am very happy for being this place.Weather was very good and sunny. First of all teacher checked our attendance and turn by turn all of us shared information and ideas related to this place. The Memorial Complex of Khoja Bakhouddin Naqshbandi is one of the most important Muslim shrines. Every self-respecting Muslim knows and reveres this name. The great theologian of the XIV century, founder of the Sufi Order "Naqshbandia" was buried 12 km from Bukhara in his native village of Kasri Orifon. Some time ago there was the pagan temple of the site of current tomb of Naqshbandi. Naqshbandi was the spiritual teacher of Amir Temur and made hajj to Mekka 32 times. He appealed people to be modest and rejected the luxury. His philosophy was based on the principle: "Dil ba joru, dast ba kor" ("The heart - with the

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 2 11/14/2023 Archeological park Hi my dears👋😊Today was our second practice day.Weather was cool.We started our practice at 10:30 oʻclock.We got tegether in Ark castle.Also teacher checked our attendance.After that all of us gave many information about todayʼs monument . The event was attended by specialists in tourism, cultural heritage and museology, archaeological scientists, foreign tourists, public representatives, residents, and media workers. At the park's opening ceremony, it was noted that after 103 years, this site, closed to visitors to the ancient city, has finally opened its doors to everyone. It is noteworthy that within the framework of this project, supported by UNESCO and implemented in collaboration with scientists from the famous French Louvre Museum, a 120- meter section of the wall on the back side of the Ark fortress was covered with baked bricks, the corridors and covered barn were restored, and several additional amenities for tourists were created. On