Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 6


Govkushon madrasah.

First of all Assalomu alaykum👋.It is me again Marjona😊🤞Today was our third internship and we were in Govkushon madrasah.I am very happy for being this place.Weather was very good and sunny.

First of all teacher checked our attendance and turn by turn all of us shared information and ideas related to this place.

Gaukushan Medressa and its complex were a less crowded photogenic area. Turki Jandi Mausoleum was a crumbling structure that gave tourists what most of Bukhara would look like without the constant restoration work.

Just off the central tourist attractions of the trade houses. A very interesting place. The pond/ tank is where they sacrified a cow to find water. Reminiscent of the Zarthusti fire worshipers or Aryans of India and Persia. While most history in Uzbekistan talk of Timur or later, the land is far older.

Bukhara has lots of interesting places to visit and due to that the complex Gaukushan is often refused by the travelers. The site looks fantastic especially in the mornings and in the evenings. The silence around this place is so lovely.

The name Govkushan ("killing bulls") is related to the fact that there was a slaughterhouse (poultry) here until the 16th century. A little later, after the construction of the madrasa, the second Juma Mosque of Bukhara, known as the Khoja Mosque, was built around it, with a pool and a low minaret, imitating the Minarai Kalon. Later, caravanserais were built nearby. Due to the uneven shape of the construction site, the monument has an asymmetrical shape, and its structure is different from traditional madrasas. The side wings of the two-story main look differ in size and shape. On the right side is a rectangular hall used as a mosque and a classroom. The left wing of the building consists of multi-domed roofs and closed houses. The courtyard is surrounded by one-story rooms. A small tower (19.5 m) is located on the left side of the building. On the opposite side of the main building is a beautiful porch. It was renovated several times during the Soviet era[1]. The monument is under state protection.

All in all todayʼs practice day was very informative for many students.We knew a lot about this place.🤗

Thank you for your attention.🤞😊

See you soon👋


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