
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2022

Marjona Ilhomova

 DAY 3 Ihomova Marjona Art museum Hello everybody✋Today is the third day of our internship.Letʼs start. Today we went to Art museum with our group. Then all of us saw all of exhibits I mean pictures , sculptures and so on. Also we learned about history of Art Museum. Bukhara State Art-Architectural Museum-Reserve was founded in November 8,1922. Later ,in 1945 the museum was situated in the former citadel of Bukhara emirs-Ark.In 1985 the museum received the status of Bukhara State Art-Architectural Museum-Reserve . Today,there are 6 branches,consisting of 18 expositions and exhibits.The museum fund has more than one hundred and thousand exhibits of material and spiritual cultures,as well as 1000 items of cultural heritage of great Uzbek people. In Art museum there were many colorful pictures and interesting sculptures.But I liked one picture which is very colorful and live. It was drawn in 1928 by Benkov P.P . Its name is "Kuzgi uzumzor(Joʻybor Xouzi)". Drawing this picture re

Marjona Ilhomova

 Day  2 Mag'oki Attoriy Complex Marjona Ilhomova Hello everyone.This is our second internship with my classmates.Letʼs start We went to Mag'oki Attoriy complex on the second day of our internship. Magʻoki Attoriy mosque is a historical mosque in Bukhara.It forms a part of the historical religious complex of Labi hovuz.The mosque is located in the historical center of Bukhara. Also our teacher gave information us about Mag'oki attoriy and ask questions.We knew a lot of things about it.It is speculated as built in the 9th and 10th century on the remains of a Zoroastrian temple from the pre-Islamic era.Before the Arab conquest there was a bazaar on the site of Mag'oki attor mosque.It was a market for idols,potions and spices-attor and other goods. It was repaired in the 14th century. In the 15th century, the upper part of the facade was damaged. The domes of the upper part of the building were rebuilt during the time of Abdulaziz Khan. Then 3 members of our group do pres

Marjona Ilhomova

 Day 1 Labi hovuz complex Ilhomova Marjona  Hello everyone✋,this is our first internship with our classmates.Let's start.👇 We went to Labi hovuz complex on the first day of our internship with our group.There our teacher and 3 members of our group gave information about the history of Labi hovuz. In this picture,Samiya is giving information about Labi hovuz to the teacher and us,and the teacher is asking us questions related to Samiyaʼs speech.If I am not mistaken it lasted about one hour.And our teacher Sabina Sharipovna asked question from everyone. Also all of us introduce wiht Sadriddin Ayniy's life.He was born in 1878.And he was the author of many books.In addition our teacher and our classmates wetn to a khujra that Sadriddin Ayniy lived. And our teacher said that Ayniy lived about 20 years in there. Labi hovuz is very ancient and big place that was built in the 17th century.The square has the form of an irregular polygon with the Divan-Begi madrasah in the eastern part.