Marjona Ilhomova

 DAY 3

Ihomova Marjona

Art museum

Hello everybody✋Today is the third day of our internship.Letʼs start.

Today we went to Art museum with our group.

Then all of us saw all of exhibits I mean pictures , sculptures and so on.

Also we learned about history of Art Museum.

Bukhara State Art-Architectural Museum-Reserve was founded in November 8,1922. Later ,in 1945 the museum was situated in the former citadel of Bukhara emirs-Ark.In 1985 the museum received the status of Bukhara State Art-Architectural Museum-Reserve .

Today,there are 6 branches,consisting of 18 expositions and exhibits.The museum fund has more than one hundred and thousand exhibits of material and spiritual cultures,as well as 1000 items of cultural heritage of great Uzbek people.

In Art museum there were many colorful pictures and interesting sculptures.But I liked one picture which is very colorful and live.
It was drawn in 1928 by Benkov P.P .

Its name is "Kuzgi uzumzor(Joʻybor Xouzi)".

Drawing this picture requires a lot of skill.The picture is rich in different colors,beautiful and attractive.

And so our third practice is over.I think there are so many useful information for you.Thank you for your attention.

Good bye✋✋


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