Marjona Ilhomova

 Day 7

Marjona Ilhomova


Hello everyone✋Today is the 7th day of our internship.Letʼs start👇

Today we were in Zindon with our groupmates. In addition today is very cold.

We got together at 11 oʻcklock.There we gave information to our teacher about Zindon.Then teacher assesed all of us.

Nrtheast of the Ark and just behind it is the old Zindon.Morbidly fascinating attractions include a torture chamber,shackles used on prisoners and several dungeons,including the gruesome fourth cell,the 6.5m deep(bug pit),accessible only by rope,where Stoddart and Conolly languished for years in a dark chamber filled with lice,scorpions and other vermin.

In 1842,the British soldiers Connolly and Stoddart were executed in front of the Ark fortress in Bukhara.It was the grim finale to years of tortune in the Zindon prison located within the fortress.However, the most famous resident of Zindon was not a person ,but a place:"The Bug Pit"a four meter deep hole,accessible only by rope.This bleak pit is where Connolly and Stoddart spent their time in Zindon,while guards poured scorpions,bugs and rodents onto their heads. 

Our this practice day lasted about 2 hours.we gained a lot of information about Zindon and its history.I think that this day was very unforgettible for all of us.We got enjoyment.

You can gain more information about "Salomxona" from this video.

Thank you for your attention🥰
See you soon✋


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