Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 8

"Bolo hovuz"

First of all Assalomu aleykum🙂🖐️

I am Marjona Ilhomova.Today 8th day of our internship and we were in Bolo hovuz with our teacher and group members.The weather is sunny and a bit cold today.And we got together at 11 oʻcklock.

Then Sabina Sharipovna gave us many historical and interesting facts about Bolo hovuz.And also we exchanged our knowledge with each other.According to this teacher assessed all of us.

According to information:Registan-a central city square-was a typical part of all the Central Asian cities.Bukhara had its Registan,too,it was located across from The Ark Fortress 
There were a lot of public buildings in the square mosques and trade chambers;an administrative office and a hospital.However,only one of Registan structures has survived into the present.It is Bolo hauz complex.
Its construction began in the 17th century at the instigation of the Bukhara emir Shahmurad.He wanted to show his people he was not different from an ordinary man and decided to build a public mosque he himself was going to visit for Friday prayers.

Bolo hauz means "childrenʼs pond".Water has always been short in Central Asia,so they used to build ponds serving as drinking water source for the popolation.Water carriers would take water from the ponds and delivered it in special leather containers to residential quarters and bazars where they sold it.Bolo hauz was one of these ponds.It had been there until the Soviet authorities decided to dry it in the early 20th century so as to prevent epidemics:the stagnant water in the pond was also a source of infection,but the locals still habitually used it.

So our this internship lasted about two hours.And we gained a lot of information from our teacher and some students.In my opinion this practical lesson was very memorable and interesting for all of us.

Thank you for your attention!!!🥰
See you soon my dear friends🖐️🖐️


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