Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 3


Piridasgir Mosque

First of all Assalomu alaykum👋.It is me again Marjona😊🤞Today was our third internship and we were Piridasgir mosque.I am very happy for being this place.Weather was very good and sunny.

First of all teacher checked our attendance and turn by turn all of us shared information and ideas related to this place

Hazrat Shaykh Sayyid Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir Jilani was born in the year 1079 AD (471 AH) in the village of Bashir in the Jilan province of Iran and passed away in 1166 AD (562 AH) in the city of Baghdad, Iraq.

Jilani initially received his education from Abu Zakariya Tabrizi. At the age of sixteen, he went to Baghdad, where he studied the sciences of theology and hadith under prominent scholars such as Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad, Abul Qasim ibn Ahmad ibn Bayan, and Abu Talib ibn Yusuf. He studied Islamic jurisprudence under Ali ibn Abu Sa'id Mukhrumi, from whom he also received his cloak of Shaykhhood.

Upon returning to Baghdad, Abdul Qadir Jilani taught at a madrasa. He delivered sermons and educated students for thirty-three years. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani is the founder of the Qadiriyya Sufi order and is known for promoting the idea of "engagement and detachment" (being engaged with the world while the heart remains detached from it).

Jilani authored numerous works on Islamic history, Sufi theory, ethics, and etiquette, including "Kitab al-Bashara al-Khayrat," "Kitab al-Ghunya," "Kitab al-Fath al-Rabbani wal-Fayd al-Rahmani," "Kitab al-Futuh al-Ghayb," "Kitab al-Faydhat al-Rabbaniyya," "Maktubat Jilani," "Sirr al-Asrar Mahzar al-Anwar," and "Al-Kunya li Talib Tariq al-Haqq."

His tomb is located in Baghdad, Iraq. The shrine in Bukhara is a symbolic tomb of Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani and is called "Piri-Dastgir." With the blessings of independence, this shrine has been restored and a new mosque has been built.


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Marjona Ilkhomova