
Сообщения за декабрь, 2022

Marjona Ilkhomova

Day 10  Toqi Zargaron                 10th practical day.                    Trip to Toqi Zargaron  Hello everyone🙂.I am Marjona Ilkhomova Today is our last practical day and we visited to one of the largest of the surviving shopping arcades of Bukhara-Toqi Zargaron. It was built in 1569-70.This is the dome passage that is a vault above the roadway in conjunction with a gallery for shops and repair shops.Toqi Zargaron dome accomodated 36 workshops and jewelerʼs shops. The dome covers of Toqi Zargaron are strict and precise.They are not decorated everything is subordinate to the building logic.This trading dome of Bukhara is rightfully considered the largest indoor bazaar in the city.Another feature of Toqi Zargaron is the shape of the dome.It is extended upwards and has vertical building ribs. Our this internship started at 10 oʻcklock and lasted about 1 hour.This practical day was very memorable and unforgettable.Because I got a lot of information about the history of these ancient m

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 9 Toqi telpakfurushon Hi everyone🖐️I am Marjona Ilkhomova.And today our 9th practical lesson and we visited to one of the well-known monument-Toqi telpakfurushon is one of the preserved traditional indoor bazaars of Bukhara. It was built in 1570-1571 under Abdullakhan,one of the rulers of the Shaibanid dynasty.It was the Shaibanids who began to make Bukhara an important commercial centre,situated at the crossroads of many caravan routes.The symbol of the achievement of this goal were the trade domes that gathered traders from different parts of the world under their roofs. Its central part is an amazingly beautiful spherical dome with small openings cut through.The dome is supported by 6 pylons it has 12 sided lighting.Tourists are especially interested in viewing the dome from inside.The diameter of the main dome of Toqi telpakfurushon is 14.5 metres. Today tourists can visit Toqi telpakfurushon to see a building with a long history and buy various souvenirs,antiques,clothes,sca

Marjona Ilkhomova

 Day 8 "Bolo hovuz" First of all Assalomu aleykum🙂🖐️ I am Marjona Ilhomova.Today 8th day of our internship and we were in Bolo hovuz with our teacher and group members.The weather is sunny and a bit cold today.And we got together at 11 oʻcklock. Then Sabina Sharipovna gave us many historical and interesting facts about Bolo hovuz.And also we exchanged our knowledge with each other.According to this teacher assessed all of us. According to information:Registan-a central city square-was a typical part of all the Central Asian cities.Bukhara had its Registan,too,it was located across from The Ark Fortress  There were a lot of public buildings in the square mosques and trade chambers;an administrative office and a hospital.However,only one of Registan structures has survived into the present.It is Bolo hauz complex. Its construction began in the 17th century at the instigation of the Bukhara emir Shahmurad.He wanted to show his people he was not different from an ordinary man a

Marjona Ilhomova

 Day 7 Marjona Ilhomova Zindon Hello everyone✋Today is the 7th day of our internship.Letʼs start👇 Today we were in Zindon with our groupmates. In addition today is very cold. We got together at 11 oʻcklock.There we gave information to our teacher about Zindon.Then teacher assesed all of us. Nrtheast of the Ark and just behind it is the old Zindon.Morbidly fascinating attractions include a torture chamber,shackles used on prisoners and several dungeons,including the gruesome fourth cell,the 6.5m deep(bug pit),accessible only by rope,where Stoddart and Conolly languished for years in a dark chamber filled with lice,scorpions and other vermin. In 1842,the British soldiers Connolly and Stoddart were executed in front of the Ark fortress in Bukhara.It was the grim finale to years of tortune in the Zindon prison located within the fortress.However, the most famous resident of Zindon was not a person ,but a place:"The Bug Pit"a four meter deep hole,accessible only by rope.This blea

Marjona Ilhomova

 Day 6  Marjona Ilhomova Ark castle Hi everybody✋Today is first day of second week practice.Letʼs start👇 Today is very cold❄️and we were in Ark castle today. Today we got together at 10 oʻcklock but we waited our teacher about 20 minutes.So we did not feel our hands.🥶Then our teacher came and we started internship. Some students and teacher gave interesting information us about the history of Ark. The Ark of Bukhara is a massive fortress located in the city of Bukhara,that was initially built and occupied around the 5th century.Ark included the whole city,consisting of closely accreted houses;courts and yards with state institutions,emir,his wives, and relatives and officials lodgings.Inside the trapeziform outlines of citadel walls the planning was right-angled with traditional cruciform crossing of main streets. Ark included:emir lodging,throe-room,police department, stables, story of clothes , carpets, untensils, treasures, armoury, jail, jewelerʼs and other workshops, mint place,

Marjona Ilhomova

 Day 5 Marjona Ilhomova Toqi sarrafon complex Hello everyone✋Today is the 5th day of our practice day and we went to another historical place.Letʼs start👇 Today for our internship we visited Toqi sarrafon. Then I and some of my friends introduced all students with many interesting information about Toqi sarrafon. Also I learnt a lot about this ancient complex.Toqi sarrafon was built in 16th century.The majestic trade dome Toqi Sarrafon is located at the intersection of several streets that connect the city centre of Bukhara with a medieval suborb.This trading dome was used mostly for money exchange during the era of the Silk Road.The structure was named after the Sarrafs-the merchants who transformed it.Traditionally, the exchange of currencies of different states was carried out by Indians.This means that the dome can be considered one of the oldest "currency exchanges"in the East. Travellers will find original jewellery I mean necklaces,earrings,rings as well as all kinds

Marjona Ilhomova

 DAY 4 Marjona Ilhomova BLACKSMITH MUSEUM Hello everyone✋Today is our 4th practice day with our classmates.Letʼs start.👇 Today we went to Blacksmith workshop.There were many iron items like hammer,knifes,kettles and so on.And then our teacher and three members of our group gave many interesting information about it. The Blacksmith History Forge Museum is a short walk north of the Taqi telpak furushon Bazar on Haqiqat street.The museum is located in the Kulyuta karavansarai which was built in the 16th century.Admission is free,and it is a rare treat to see a working blachsmith. The museum was opened in 1992,and is the only museum of this type in Uzbekistan. Visitors to the Blacksmith museum can view how Blacksmith created objects from iron or steel by forging the metal by using tools to hammer,bend and cut.Blacksmiths produce things like wrought iron gates,wrought iron gates,grills,railings,light fixtures,furniture,sculptures,tools,agricultural implements,decorative and religious items